Marvel’s Spider-Man Gets Two New Suits In Free Update

Marvel's Spider-Man Gets Two New Suits In Free UpdateInsomniac Games

Marvel’s Spider-Man is the gift that keeps on giving. Not content with the already extensive wardrobe owned by Peter Parker in the incredible PS4 exclusive, Insomniac has just announced two new (and free) costumes for you to try on as you spin webs and kick butt.  

Unsurprisingly, the two new suits in question are both inspired by the recently-released Spider-Man: Far From Home. We’re getting the gorgeous revised version of the classic suit (love the red and black), and the sleek stealth suit, which Peter no doubt dons during the film to do something sneaky.

Check them both out below:

Insomniac Games
Insomniac Games

This isn’t the first time good guy Insomniac has dropped a surprise freebie for Spider-Man players. Around Christmas last year, the developer responded to the intense (read; downright scary) demand for a version of the suit worn in the original Sam Raimi trilogy by giving said intense (read; downright scary) fans exactly what they wanted.

Earlier this year, Insomniac also dropped two free suits inspired by Spider-Man’s history with the Fantastic Four, as part of a celebration that saw Marvel’s original superhero team make its grand return to the comics after a prolonged absence. That was neat.

As a massive (read; downright scary) Spider-Man nerd myself, I’m a sucker for alternate skins in any game starring the wall crawler.

While I’m still hurt that the original black costume hasn’t found its way into the game, the rate with which Insomniac is dropping new skins has me more convinced than ever that the black costume’s absence means that Venom/symbiotes will be playing a big role in the inevitable sequel.


All in all, Marvel’s Spider-Man continues to be fantastic. As for Spider Man: Far From Home? It’s pretty damn good, apparently. UNILAD called it “the best live-action Spider-Man film to date.” Other opinions are available, I’m sure.

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