Mass Effect Andromeda Release Thrown Into Doubt By EA

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At the moment, Mass Effect Andromeda has a tentative release window of March 2017, following numerous delays to the next chapter of BioWare’s sci-fi epic.  


However, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen recently cast doubt over this release date at an earnings call for the company – he refuses to rule out the possibility of another delay.

While your immediate reaction to this will either be hollow, unsurprised cynicism, or genuine disappointment, there is reason to be optimistic: Jorgensen seems so confident that the game will be great, that he’s willing to give BioWare all the time they need to get it right.


He explained:

Right now, Mass Effect is tracking extremely well. The game looks beautiful. And we’re really pleased with its progress. However, as you’ve seen, we are willing to make moves in launch dates if we feel it’s necessary to deliver the right player experience.

Jorgensen went on to suggest that the delay could be anywhere between a week to five months – maybe more. Still, EA will let us know of a delay as soon as (or if) there’s a delay to know about, so there’s that I guess.


Mass Effect Andromeda was originally scheduled to launch in 2016 before being pushed back by BioWare in order to deliver on ‘everything the game should be’.

Last month, a leaked Amazon listing implied we’ll be seeing the game on March 21, 2017 – but Jorgensen’s comments could well be his way of bracing us for some bad news.
