If the new Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer wasn’t enough to tide you over before it’s release next month, Konami have uploaded a 30 minute gameplay demo of Snake’s Mother Base.
So if you haven’t been paying attention, Mother Base is like Snake’s ultra-cool apartment where he keeps all his badass army stuff and his friends, the Diamond Dogs. You’ll be able to airlift anything from the main game to Mother Base including: soldiers, vehicles, weapons and goats. Because who doesn’t need goats right?
You’ll be able to kit out your watery fortress with all kinds of things to repel enemy attacks in the online multiplayer mode, known as the FOB (Forward Operating Base) system. You can order your guys to build new buildings that will produce new weapons to help you in the field, and you’ll be able to customise the layout of the base right down to the colours used.
Snake can take showers, check in on his soldiers, pet the animals he’s displaced from the world and generally be at home there. FOB’s allow you gather more resources, but also open you up to being attacked by other people, so only build them when you’re ready for a fight. Enemies will be able to steal your resources, soldiers and anything else you may have collected, and will give you the option of quitting out of a mission to defend your goats personally.
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is still set for a September 1st release but won’t have actual multiplayer until January 2016, though the FOB system will be active.

Mark is the Gaming Editor for UNILAD. Having grown up a gaming addict, he’s been deeply entrenched in culture and spends time away from work playing as much as possible. Mark studied music at University and found a love for journalism through going to local gigs and writing about them for local and national publications.