Modern Warfare Multiplayer Gives You Tamogotchis That ‘Feed On Kills’

Modern Warfare Multiplayer Gives You Tamogotchis That 'Feed On Kills'Activision

We’ve heard various promises from Infinity Ward and Activision that the upcoming Modern Warfare reboot is going to be a thoroughly gritty, serious, and authentic affair with tighter gunplay, more immersive sounds, and a grounded campaign. 

With all that in mind, I now present to you the news that the game’s multiplayer mode will have a wristwatch with a Tamogotchi-like app that “feeds on kills.” This isn’t me being cheeky either, this is literally how on of Modern Warfare’s developers has described the new feature.


In Modern Warfare, players will take wearable wristwatches into battle across the game’s wide variety of multiplayer modes. It seems that these watches will have various uses, but Infinity Ward Art Director Joel Emslie revealed one particularly ridiculous function of the accessory during an interview with The Daily Star. 

Emslie explained:

The wristwatches we have in the game… people have really picked up on that, and they’re curious to know more about how things are going to be developed with that. We’re taking wristwatches to weird places, too. For example, we’ve got one we call the TomaGUNchi – it’s a Tamagotchi that feeds on kills. It’s a one-off we got creative with. I said to our engineers: ‘Can you make it so that whilst we’re playing and I get kills in multiplayer, it kinda lives and grows?’

Infinity Ward recently confirmed that Modern Warfare wouldn’t have a battle royale mode, as the developer wants to focus on keeping things authentic. Nothing screams authenticity like a Tamogotchi that feeds on kills, I guess.

It sounds ludicrous in the best possible way, but I suspect there are those who will take issue with the existence of the TomaGUNchi in a game that’s aiming to really portray the horrific reality of modern warfare. Infinity Ward has already come under fire for the use of chemical weapon white phosphorous as a killstreak reward, for example.

It’s worth pointing out that the multiplayer and campaign are separate though, so while the campaign mode will likely delve into some pretty horrific scenarios and tell a story about the stark reality of war, multiplayer will probably be a bit less of an intense experience. At least I hope so if it’s got something called a TomaGUNchi in it.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 25, but there are a number of beta tests scheduled for September. Head here for full details on when to expect those.

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