New Horror Game Could Be Coming From Kojima And Del Toro

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Unfortunately, it won’t be the much pined for Silent Hills, but the news alone is worth celebrating.

Since the death of Silent Hills, the gaming world has had to look elsewhere for it’s shit-your-pants-and-cry-like-a-toddler horror, but nothing has managed to quite fill the void. Allison Road is looking promising, but it’s still a long way off the balls to the wall dread of Konami’s much loved series. Luckily, the world hasn’t seen the last of Kojima/ Del Toro just yet.


In a recent interview with IGN, Del Toro hinted at what the future might hold:

I love working with Kojima-san. We are still in touch. We are still friends and working into doing something together, but that’s not going to be [Silent Hills].

Silent Hills was a work in progress, having stirred up massive amounts of hype after the trailer – P.T – dropped on the Playstation store. Since Kojima and Konami’s mysterious fall out, the project was axed and the partnership between Del Toro and Kojima put on hold. While he doesn’t say exactly what the new project will be, it’s a safe bet that a horror game could be the outcome.

He went on to discuss how excited he was to work on Silent Hills:

We were in the planning stages, and it’s a shame it’s not going to happen. We were talking about really pushing the boundaries of the new consoles, and making the game really mess with your head. One of the great moments in Metal Gear [Solid] was Psycho Mantis. The idea that a game can actually interact with you, and stuff like that.

Judging from his words, he’s really into exploring video games and the affect they have on us. Now that Kojima is a free agent, it’ll surely only be a matter of time until we see something from the pair.