David Jaffe, who directed the original God of War and a number of entries in the Twisted Metal franchise, is currently working on something entirely new – and he seems pretty pumped about it.
Jaffe recently revealed on Twitter that he’s in the process of designing a new single-player horror experience that’s “attempting something new with in-game storytelling.” It sounds mighty ambitious, but a man who played such a large role in the original God of War is a man who has my attention.
The director has been fairly cagey about what exactly the project entails, to the extent where he hasn’t actually showed anyone what he’s done with it so far. He explained that at this stage, when he does finally reveal what he’s been working on, he has no idea if anybody will even want to fund it.
Still, he knows he loves it, and acknowledges that he’s probably just a little nervous about showing the world his work. That’s fairly natural for any writer/developer/artist in my experience.
Jaffe said:
I’m designing/writing something new these days. It’s a single player, horror game that is attempting something new with in-game storytelling and I am in love with it. I have shown NO ONE what I’m working on. And thus I have no funding and no interest in the project. When I DO show the world,it MAY be that everyone hates it and no one wants to make it. Or it may become the next big thing. At this stage, I don’t get to know.
Earlier last month, Jaffe tweeted an image of what looked like a script, which may tell us a little bit more about his mystery project. His work contains references to old gods, resurrection, a coven of witches, and a psychiatric hospital full of coma patients. Certainly sounds like a horror game, that’s for sure.
Jaffe directed the very first God of War – considered by many to be one of the finest games on PlayStation 2 – before co-directing the sequel with Cory Barlog, who would go on to direct the award-winning 2018 reboot of the franchise.
Whenever he does decide to show us all what he’s working on, I’m sure there will be more than a few interested parties.
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Ewan Moore is a journalist at UNILAD Gaming who still quite hasn’t gotten out of his mid 00’s emo phase. After graduating from the University of Portsmouth in 2015 with a BA in Journalism & Media Studies (thanks for asking), he went on to do some freelance words for various places, including Kotaku, Den of Geek, and TheSixthAxis, before landing a full time gig at UNILAD in 2016.