Outlast 2 Gets Brilliantly Creepy Demo, Available Now

screenshotoutlastii-01Red Barrels

Here’s a brilliant Halloween treat for everyone: A free demo for terrifying horror game Outlast 2, available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 

Developer Red Barrels confirmed that the demo will only be available to download till November 1 – but anyone who nabs it before then will be able to keep it for as long as they like.

outlastjpg-6531c5_1280wRed Barrels

Outlast 2 sees you play as investigative journalist Blake Langermann. You and your wife are looking into the ‘impossible murder’ of a pregnant woman.

Naturally, your investigations quickly descend into the decidedly spooky, as you discover some truly nasty shit, and ‘a corruption so profound that going mad may be the only sane thing to do.’

The horror sequel is being made by indie devs Red Barrels, the same team who worked on the original Outlast, founded by developers who worked on games like Assassin’s Creed and Uncharted.

Originally, the game was planned to launch at the end of 2016, but was recently delayed to 2017 as the team weren’t comfortable with the idea of releasing a game whose ‘limits haven’t been tested to the extreme’.

All in all, this should be a great little somethin’ somethin’ to bust out on Halloween – after many, many beers to work up the courage, of course.