People are petitioning for a sequel to The Simpsons: Hit & Run, also known as the best game of 2003.
Don’t quote me on that. I don’t really know what else came out that year. But I do remember playing it in my cousin’s static caravan during a little weekend away in Whitby.
Don’t quote me on that. I am not a traveller. Not that there’s anything necessarily wrong with that. You know what? I’m gonna start over.
Hey, how about that Simpson: Hit & Run, huh? What a game! Now people want to see a sequel in the interest of nostalgia and good times.
By 2007 it had sold over three million copies, according to Hassaan Mohammad, who set up the Change petition.
He writes:
It had a very accurate interpretation of the series itself (along with the 3D graphics compared to the 2D which we see on the show), and lots of people considered it to be the best Simpsons game to date.
However, a sequel has yet to arrive, some fifteen years later, which is weird because it received decent reviews from video critics at the time and was praised by kids and grown ups alike for its jokey spin on Grand Theft Auto III.
Hassaan argues:
There should be more playable characters, those featured in the series such as Flanders, Grandpa, Principal Skinner, Willy, Otto, Dr. Hibbert, Chief Wiggum, Krusty, Moe, and Barney, alongside The Simpsons and Apu. [sic]
I also believe that there should be different forms of attacks than kicking, such as punching etc, but still retaining a 7+ or 12+ rating, hence a comical interpretation would be suitable. [sic]
In the first game, there were only seven levels, so therefore it’s a no-brainer to include more levels, and levels should be open-ended, i.e having the whole of Springfield connecting together instead of it being in sections. [sic]
He reckons by having improved graphics, further places to explore, more collectables, more classic missions, and cars, as well as it to be released on newer generation consoles such as the PS4, Wii U, and Xbox One would do wonders for a potential follow-up.
He also adds, ‘more transportation would be useful, more accessible rooms in houses, and for the map to be more accurate.’
Hassaa concluded:
Public demand definitely warrants a sequel and I’m astonished one hasn’t been made yet, or alternatively a remastering of the original game.
I hope it can be made possible through the means of this petition. If you are nostalgic about this game and would love to see another one made, you know what to do!
Over to you guys. You heard the man. Sign the petition here.
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected].