Plague Inc Developers Agree To Add Anti-Vaxxers To The Game After Petition

PlagueInc GameNdemic Creations

Yes you read that right, the developers behind the popular game Plague Inc – Ndemic Creations – have agreed to add anti-vaxxers as a buff to help players wipe out all human life on Earth, thanks to a petition which started online.

2019, everybody.

The game, which was first released in 2012, has players attempting to eradicate humans by gradually introducing various symptoms and side effects to their pathogen.

PlagueInc GameNdemic Creations

One of the features of the game is various random buffs, and nerfs can help or hinder your progress in this pursuit.

An online petition was started during the recent anti-vax movement to get supporters of the trend added to the game, as a tongue-in-cheek buff which would help your virus spread.

Having seen this, the developers decided to lay down the gauntlet.

Naturally, the petition blasted through that particular target, all but forcing the hands of the developer.

Speaking to Eurogamer, Ndemic Creations head honcho James Vaughan said:

It’s great to see so many people sticking up for science!

We’re currently working out how Anti-Vaxxers will work in the game – we have a few ideas that we’re trying out and running them through our algorithms.

(The biggest challenge is that if everyone in Plague Inc.’s global simulation suddenly stopped getting vaccinated then it would be a very easy game to win!)

Chalk that up as a small win for gamers making fun of people with bizarre beliefs.

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