PlayStation Plus Games For December Revealed


Another month, another round of free games for PS Plus, so what’s up for grabs this month?


Well, as always, there’s going to be a lot of people that are left ever so slightly disappointed with Sony’s offerings overall I feel, though they shouldn’t be, because there’s a legitimately decent title leading the pack.

First up on the PlayStation 4, we’ve got horror tour-de-force SOMA.

The creepy game comes from the same studio that developed Amnesia: The Dark Descent, so you if you know it’s got some pedigree.


In SOMA, you must wander the undersea research facility Pathos-2, fending off psycho robots and demented humans. Lovely job.

PS4 owners can also pick up Onrush – a team-based racer with a heavy emphasis on blowing up your opponents, rather than being graceful in defeat and trying to nail that apex. Would have made Gran Turismo Sport more interesting anywho.

On the PlayStation 3, you’ll be able to download side scroller Steredenn: Classic and time traveller SteinsGate.

PS Vita owners (all 4 of you) will also be treated to the very good Papers, Please as well as Ironclasts.


Not a bad little assortment all told and there’s definitely some titles here worth your time here.

But who knows, maybe January will bring us God of War and Spider-Man? We can keep dreaming…