Pokemon GO Hiding Massive Secret, Teases Dev



Pokemon GO is apparently a hiding massive secret that no one has found, according to Niantic CEO John Hanke who definitely isn’t desperate to try and bring people back to the mobile game. 

Speaking to GamesRadarHanke revealed that Pokemon GO will always have secrets embedded in the app, because the studio is constantly adding new stuff to find.


He teased:

There’s one out there right now and we’ll see how that plays out over the course of the next few weeks.

When asked if this new secret was slipped into the game during October’s Halloween update, Hanke refused to offer any clues.

Whatever this secret is, it can’t be as big as the fact that dataminers recently found 100 new Pokemon hidden in the code for Pokemon GO, just waiting to be activated.

Of course, there’s a chance that this could be the secret Hanke was referring to, but it’s unlikely that he’d tease something only dataminers could possibly track down.

For a brief time, Pokemon GO was one of the biggest games in the world. It experienced a pretty sharp drop off in players after a few months – but I still see the odd middle aged bloke playing it on the train, so that’s something.