Rainbow Six Siege’s First Expansion To Be Delayed, But Only Slightly

Attack of the Fanboy

Rainbow Six Siege‘s first expansion Operation: Black Ice has been set back a few days according to Ubisoft.

The news has been confirmed through the official Rainbow Six twitter account, with the game’s first major expansion will now release on February 2, as opposed to the original launch date of January 12.

There will be four expansions heading to Siege this year, with Operation: Black Ice the first.


Season pass holders will have access to two new operators straight off the bat – without having to spend real or in-game money – while everyone else will have to wait a week before being able to earn them. Ubisoft have also stated that everybody will have access to the new Operation: Black Ice map as soon as the update goes live.


The two new operators will be part of the Canadian Joint Task Force 2 anti-terrorism unit, coming with unique weapons and gadgets, while a handful of new skins will also be available.