Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Drops 25 Minutes Of Uncut Gameplay


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is looking more and more lovely with each passing day. I’ve got every faith in Respawn to deliver an engaging story driven experience, even if EA has famously handled its exclusive license to publish Star Wars games… poorly. 

If we can ignore Battlefront though, which I actively try to do as a rule, then Jedi: Fallen Order looks like it could be the best Star Wars game we’ve had in years. Granted, that isn’t a terribly high bar, but the 25 minutes of uncut footage below paint a very promising picture.

Take a look:

If you’ve not been paying attention, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will tell the story of Jedi apprentice Cal Kestis, who’s in hiding after the execution of Order 66, a particularly wicked move from the Empire that ordered the termination of all force sensitive beings.

Cal will travel to a handful of planets on his journey, while meeting a number of new and returning characters from Star Wars lore. Respawn has been fairly tight-lipped on who exactly will show up in the final game, but I’d bet all the mustard I own that a duel with Darth Vader will rear its head at some point. I don’t own that much mustard to be fair, but I’d still bet what I have.

In our own hands-on preview, we came away quietly impressed with what we’d played. I particularly enjoyed the Dark Souls-esque combat, the gorgeous visuals, and the freedom to approach situations in a variety of ways (although why would you ever want to do anything besides slice a Stormtrooper apart with your awesome laser sword?).

But what really gets my nerd juices pumping – more than the references to Star Wars lore past, and the tight, fast paced lightsaber combat – is the little talked about fact that Jedi: Fallen Order actually shares a lot of its DNA with Metroid games, in that certain areas will be blocked off until you get certain abilities and can return to discover its secrets. I am all about that.


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 15, this year, and based on what we’ve seen so far, it really is shaping up to be something special.

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