These Fan Made Star Wars Battlefront Screenshots And Cinematic Are Incredible

Flickr/ Berdu

If you’ve got a Star Wars Battlefront beta shaped hole in your life, then these fan made screens and gameplay trailer might just help fill the void.


Finnish gameplay capturer extraordinaire Berdu managed to grab some beautiful stills from the title, and it’s hard to believe they didn’t come from a professional studio. Every image comes from the game’s beta on PC.

Berdu managed to snap the images by disabling the game’s HUD, and taking a screenshot by either zooming in or between weapon changes.


He told Kotaku

I recorded this video by using the same method and just walked around the map, trying to capture some nice action. I died a LOT. Sorry team.

The really high res clips were captured using custom Nvidia resolutions or by manually resizing the game window. Check out Berdu’s flickr page and his YouTube account for more.

Flickr/ Berdu
Flickr/ Berdu
Flickr/ Berdu
Flickr/ Berdu
Flickr/ Berdu
Flickr/ Berdu
Flickr/ Berdu