Ubisoft have unveiled their new seasonal update for Rainbow Six Siege as Ember Rise, coming packed with two new Operators and a new map. Well, it’s a reworked map, but that’s kind of the same thing, right? Right.
The announcement came at the Rainbow Six Siege Majors in Raleigh, North Carolina, where Ubisoft outlined their plans for Year 4 Season 3 of the game.
This update also brings with it a mini battle pass update called “Call Me Harry” which is Phase 1 of the Siege battle pass that will release later in the season.
So, I hear you yell impertinently, who are these two new Operators? Calm down, I say, I’m telling you right now. The attacking team can look forward to welcoming ex- archaeologist (no, I’m serious) Amaru to their ranks. The Peruvian is a medium speed, medium armour Operator who comes with a particularly game-changing piece of hardware. Amaru has a Garra grapping hook that can rappel her around the map.
This grappling hook allows Amaru to travel vertically up buildings, horizontally across them, breach upwards through floor hatches as well as breaking and breaching through wooden barricades attached to windows. This last part is particularly hilarious to witness, and will undoubtedly make the defending team fill their collective shorts. Unless they have a Castle. Castle’s barricades will stop her in her tracks.
It’s not all peaches and cream for Amaru players though, as she is particularly noisy while stalking around. Her achilles heal is traps, so defenders playing as Kapkan or Frost, for example, will be able to counter her breaching without much hassle.
Amaru packs a G8A1 automatic rifle and a Supernova shotgun as her main weapons.

The second new Operator is a defending tour-de-force named Goyo. Hailing from Mexico, this unit boasts a Volcán shield, which is an exploding deployable shield, that can be used and abused by anybody. Yes you read that right. Exploding. Shield.
Not only does the shield explode, it also deals area-of-effect fire damage for any chump unlucky enough to be caught in its blast. What’s more, is that Goyo gets three of these shields to protect the payload with. Like I said, he’s an absolute unit.
Goyo’s shield isn’t the ultimate in home defense though, as it can be mooted by a couple of attackers’ weapons. Ash’s breaching grenades will make short work of it, as will Sledge’s Hammer. It will still spew fire across the floor when destroyed though, so you’re a braver Sledge than me if you do decide to go that route.

So what of the new map? Well, as I mentioned it’s a renewed map, and it’s Kanal. It boasts a new hallway linking the Eastern and Western buildings. There’s also two new sets of stairs to give it a spicy new feeling of verticality, but perhaps the biggest change is that the Kitchen and Radio Room sites have been relocated to the Security Room and expanded Lounge Room respectively.

As mentioned, there’s also going to be a new battle pass coming for free during the Y4S3 update. The name “Call Me Harry” relates to Dr. Harishva “Harry” Pandey, the Director of Rainbow. This comes as part of an effort to add more lore and story to the game’s operators.
If you fancy yourself a bit of an expert at Siege, you can partake in challenges to earn Battle Points and unlock some juicy, unique rewards.
The Test Servers for Ember Rise will be going live August 19th for players to trial the new tune-ups and tweaks, so it’s well worth getting yourself online to try it out for yourself.
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Mark is the Gaming Editor for UNILAD. Having grown up a gaming addict, he’s been deeply entrenched in culture and spends time away from work playing as much as possible. Mark studied music at University and found a love for journalism through going to local gigs and writing about them for local and national publications.