Uncharted 4 May Be Getting UK Exclusive Multiplayer Beta

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Cancel whatever plans you had this weekend, because it looks like Uncharted 4 is getting an open multiplayer beta this Friday (March 4). Anyone can play – provided you own a PlayStation 4 and live in the U.K. 


According to a listing on the UK PlayStation Store (which has since been removed), We should be able to download the beta sometime ahead of the 5pm kickoff on Friday. You’ll be able to try out the multiplayer mode for free until the beta wraps up on Sunday. Then you’ll have to go spend time with your mum or something I guess.

Team deathmatch and three maps based on Uncharted 4‘s single-player campaign will make an appearance. Sadly, a similar beta for U.S. audiences has not yet been alluded to.


Back in December, Naughty Dog launched a closed beta for gamers who purchased a copy of The Nathan Drake Collection, with the developers claiming that’d be the only beta we’d be getting. Those coy bastards.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End comes exclusively to PlayStation 4 on April 26. It’s looking pretty fucking slick, to be honest.