World War I Shooter Verdun Hits PS4 Soon, Xbox Version Delayed

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If EA would ever let you for more than a second, I’d tell you to forget about Battlefield 1 for a bit – there’s another WWI shooter in town called Verdun, and it’s heading to PS4 very soon.


Verdun – which has been highly rated on Steam since April 2015- comes to Sony’s console on August 30, just a day before the Battlefield 1 open beta roars into life. Not ideal timing, I have to say.

Still, it would be massively unfair to compare the two. Not least because I don’t think Verdun is holding back entire armies as DLC.


The game was due to launch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 simultaneously, but the Xbox One version has unfortunately suffered a delay so that developers M2H and BlackMill Games can polish it up.


They explained on Steam:

Although we would have loved to release Verdun on both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at the same time, we regret to inform you that the Xbox One release is postponed. We hope to get the game as soon as possible on this great platform. Yet in order to deliver you a true trench warfare experience we need a little more time. We take our releases seriously and for this reason made a difficult decision to delay the Xbox One release.

Verdun doesn’t yet have a new release date for Xbox One, or a price point for PS4, although it is £18.99 on PC for reference.


Can Verdun go up against Battlefield 1 and win? Not a chance, but I reckon those who pick it up will love it – perhaps even prefer it to EA’s behemoth franchise.
