Bodybuilder Beats Severe Infection And Shares Incredible Transformation Pics

By :
Alyssa Mercado/YouTube

After a severe intestinal infection sapped her body’s nutrients, 19-year-old Alyssa Mercado’s weight plummeted to a mere 85 pounds (six stone). However, she is now unrecognisable as she prepares for her very first bodybuilding competition. 

The New York based receptionist had been so ill at one point, she wasn’t able to leave her home. She suffered from a range of restricting symptoms including excess wind, abdominal pain, bloating, distention, diarrhoea and constipation.


Alyssa’s illness left her exhausted, depressed and with the feeling she was missing out on so many life experiences.

Alyssa gave the following sad statement to Media Drum World:

During this time, I felt so alone and so hopeless. I kept questioning why me, as I continued to see social media post after social media post of my friends and classmates going to parties, enjoying senior year activities and just enjoying everyday life.

There were so many times I even found it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

Determined Alyssa decided to take action to get control back over her body. She switched to a gluten free diet, which alleviated many of her symptoms. At this point, things started to look up for her in a dramatic way.

According to Alyssa:

A few weeks after this, I was diagnosed with small intestine bacterial overgrowth. This overgrowth of bad bacteria in my small intestine was stealing the nutrients from the foods I would eat resulting in my rapid weight loss and stomach upset.

I was prescribed medication but before I even started taking them I had felt cured. Such a small change in my diet had made such a huge difference in my health and in my life. I was in awe that I was able to heal myself from months of suffering through nutrition.

This is what sparked my love for the health and fitness industry.

Nowadays, amazing Alyssa is enjoying a new lease of life. She maintains a healthy weight through eating six to eight meals a day, chock-full of lean meats, complex carbs and healthy fats.

She trains her new muscular body five to six times a week, and has ambitions to participate in her very first NPC bodybuilding contest next season.


Her painful experiences have only made Alyssa stronger, and she hopes her story can help others:

Use trials and tribulations as a lesson to grow from and take it and run with it.

I hope when others view my journey and Instagram page they are not only inspired to take control of the reigns on their lives and their health but to also spread and radiate positivity, love, and support to others because our world needs more of that.

Alyssa is a fantastically inspiring fitness role model and I’m sure she’ll do herself proud at any and all upcoming competitions.