Couple Take Acid And Hilariously Try To Build IKEA Furniture


Sometimes reading IKEA instructions can make you feel like you’ve taken acid, so just imagine what it’s like building furniture after you’ve actually taken it. 

Giancarlo and Nicole have a new YouTube series called ‘HIKEA’ (get it?) where they consume different mind-altering drugs and attempt the frustrating and mundane task of assembling IKEA furniture.

Because acid takes a while to kick in, the pair waited about 45 minutes after taking a tab before tackling the unassembled flat-pack dresser.


As you can imagine, the words moved around like ants on the page and the pair couldn’t contain their laughter. They were also very easily distracted.

Incredibly, it only took the couple 3 hours and 55 minutes of arsing around with screwdrivers and tools before they completed the task. However, it’s not something either of them want to repeat again.

Nicole said: 

I will never build furniture while high on acid again.

It’s important to stress that although Giancarlo and Nicole made it look fun, you should never, ever, under any circumstances attempt to assemble IKEA furniture.

Oh, and drugs are bad too.