I mean, you’ve probably already gathered that ‘bum sunning’ isn’t the life enhancing, invigorating ritual some would have you believe it to be.
However, if you are in any way tempted to whip your pants off in your back garden and point your arsehole at the last wintery wisps of sunlight, then please, please don’t.
Not only will this scientifically unsound beauty tip cause alarm amongst your neighbours, it could well put your health at serious risk.

A prominent US based gynaecologist – who once warned women not to stick garlic in their vaginas – has come forward to warn people against the practice of ‘bum sunning’, after Instagrammer ‘Metaphysical Meagan’ shared a pic of herself apparently hoovering up sunlight through her bumhole.
Taking to Twitter, The Vagina Bible author Dr Jennifer Gunter has warned this practice – dubbed ‘bum sunning’ – could well result in an increased risk of skin cancer on the vulva.
Dr Gunter wrote:
I feel confident when I say the anus and perineum have no special sunlight concentrating abilities. You can get melanoma on the vulva and sunburns there are very painful.
I feel confident when I say the anus and perineum have no special sunlight concentrating abilities. You can get melanoma on the vulva and sunburns there are very painful. https://t.co/fqQKC3STzN
— Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) November 28, 2019
The ‘should you point your bare arse at the sun’ debate kicked off on November 12, when ‘Ascension Wayshower’ and self-proclaimed ‘Healer’ Meagan revealed ‘perineum sunning’ had improved her well-being in numerous ways.
Amongst other bold claims, Meagan insisted this practice ‘aids in a healthy libido & balanced sexual energy’ and ‘increases creativity and creative output’. However, sceptics had a sneaking suspicion she was talking out of her bottom.
One person winced:
They’ll regret sunning their bums after their first sunburn.
Another pondered:
Imagine going for a hike and looking over to see someone’s butthole in a full spread eagle NOT having sex or doing anything sexual, just ‘sunning their bum’ ………maybe we don’t deserve rights.
After her questionable wellness routine went viral, Meagan appeared only too delighted at having ‘triggered’ people, celebrating with yet another arse focused Instagram post.
Meagan wrote:
I know I TRIGGER the f*%# out of people! Since I was a young child, just my mere existence and BEING has triggered a lot in others. This is actually one of my favorite things about me.
She continued:
I trigger people to remember their inherent Divinity and to start the self healing process from within. ‼️Growth isn’t always comfortable‼️
As for me, I’ll keep expressing and embodying my Highest self. The red pill awaits those willing to do the inner work (#EscapeTheMatrix)
Personally, I don’t feel all that ‘triggered’. I just sincerely hope she’s at least whacked a bit of Factor 50 on her nether regions…
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Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.