Cheese, is there anything more glorious? There are many who believe the concept of dairy is unethical but please, don’t make this about you.
Just let us have this one, it’s not fair people. Your ‘wokeness’ has made everything not fun anymore. I’m not even sure if I’m allowed to breathe in oxygen anymore out of fear of offending someone?
I’ll take a deep breathe and exhale and someone will walk up to me an say ‘Excuse me, but did you know while you’re inhaling oxygen you’re stealing it from the plants and trees. Try and think of someone other than yourself’.
But I’ve gone horribly off course haven’t I? Back to the subject of cheese – I personally love cheese (except goat) it goes well with everything and if you feel the same way you’ll ‘brie’ happy to know it can save your life.
According to a study from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) the current advice about how we need to limit our dairy intake in order to prolong our life needs to be ‘reconsidered’.
The report comes from a research team in Munich, Germany, who question the notion a ‘consumption of dairy products’ has been linked with an increased chance of death from coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease, and cancer, due to the relatively high levels of saturated fat.
However, actual evidence of any link, particularly among adults in the United States, has proven inconsistent. With the exception of milk (which seems to increase the risk of CHD).
Dairy products such as cheese have actually been found to fight against both total mortality and mortality from cerebrovascular causes. This is according to research presented last Tuesday (August 28) at the ESC Congress.
Therefore, the current guidelines to reduce the consumption of dairy products, especially cheese and yoghurt, should be relaxed. Drinking non-fat or low-fat milk is still recommended, especially if you happen to consume large quantities.
Addressing this year’s ESC Congress, Professor Maciej Banach, from the Department of Hypertension at Medical University of Lodz, Poland, said:
A meta-analysis of 29 cohort studies(2) published in 2017 found no association between the consumption of dairy products and either cardiovascular disease (CVD) or all-cause mortality.
Yet a large 20-year prospective study of Swedish adults(3), also published in 2017, found that higher consumption of milk was associated with a doubling of mortality risk, including from CVD, in the cohort of women.

Professor Banach, who examined data from a 1999–2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) study with his colleagues, went on to add:
In light of the protective effects of dairy products. Public health officials should revise the guidelines on dairy consumption. And given the evidence that milk increases the risk of CHD, it is advisable to drink fat-free or low-fat milk.
This month, Manchester-based delivery experience company, Sorted, launched a crusade to find an assistant to the current in-house Director of Cheese.
The new position at the award-winning business has arisen after the company’s monthly ‘Cheesy Tuesday’ – sounds gross but stay with me – concept gained so much popularity with employees, the current Director of Cheese needed an extra pair of hands.
To see more about this role and find other jobs at Sorted, visit their website right here.
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