Epileptic Boy Treated With Cannabis Is Now 300 Days Seizure-Free


11-year-old Billy Caldwell is the very first person to be treated with cannabis oil on the NHS and the results have proven to be remarkable.

Billy’s epilepsy had not responded to regular medicine and at one point he was experiencing up to 30 life-threatening seizures a month.

He began cannabis oil treatment in the US, before the prescription was transferred to his local GP in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

It’s important to note, this medicinal CBD oil doesn’t have the chemical Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes the ‘high’ experienced by recreational marijuana users.

‘Epileptic Warrior’ Billy has now been seizure free for an incredible 300 days, and is reportedly doing ‘incredibly well’ and making ‘huge gains’.

Billy even has a cannabis oil named after him, ‘Billy’s Bud’. Billy’s Bud is legally available in the UK and can be purchased worldwide.

Speaking with UNILAD, relieved mum Charlotte spoke about how she was contacted by hundreds of families who could relate to her situation and who would benefit from CBD oil treatment. She came to realise these sick families needed help, but for many families, the treatment would be too expensive.

Charlotte has now established the Billy’s Bud charity, which supports others wanting access to cannabis oil treatment. This is the very first charity in the UK and Ireland set up for this purpose, and is campaigning for CBD to be made freely available on the NHS.

Speaking with UNILAD, Charlotte spoke about how she wants to help ‘remove the stigma that has surrounded cannabis for so long’: 

CBD has given me back my right as a mummy to hope. The most important thing is that Billy has been given back his right to life.

Charlotte also discussed the need of getting those with political power to understand the positive impact freely available CBD oil would have for sick children and adults: 

We need our politicians and doctors to write prescriptions, it’s really important to get them on board.

We can’t do this without them.

Charlotte’s cause has gained interest from high profile organisations, and she is particularly grateful for the support the family have received from The Belfast Cannabis Group, Legalise Cannabis Northern Ireland and Cannabis Collective UK.

Determined Charlotte is now hosting Billy’s Bud Fest, which will take place 9 September 2017 at the family home, Bud Cottage.

The event will help raise awareness about the medicinal and therapeutic uses of cannabis, and every penny raised will go towards supporting Billy’s Bud Charity.

Charlotte has been ‘truly humbled’ by the response to the festival. The family live in the countryside, and the nearest town in very small. Despite this, they are expecting over 600 guests to attend.

" Billy picks up First ever Medicanal Cannabis NHS Perscription"!Crying Happy Tears.??History has being Made today.Billy first child in Ireland and Uk to be prescribed Medicanal Cannabis Whole Plant Extract via NHS prescription !A huge heartfelt thank you to Greenlight Medicine and our wee Warriors Doctor, Pat Dohert MP Sinn Fein, and John Burton, who walked with us every step of the way.Truly indebted to you all. Our wee Epilepsy Warrior 82 days seizure free today!Feeling so very blessed.One very Proud Mummy today.?#teambilly?#billyslaw?#billynevergivingup?#greenlightmedicinescbdthc?

Posted by Keep Billy Alive on Wednesday, 19 April 2017

If you can’t attend but would like to support the cause, you can always ‘sponsor a bud’ and help Billy’s Bud to reach their Just Giving target of £10,000. You can make a donation here