Nowadays we post everything to social media. Love it or loathe it you can go onto Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and see what your auntie Val has had for breakfast, lunch, and tea.
However – sometimes we’re possibly too quick to upload a memorable moment to Facebook, sometimes without paying full attention to the picture itself.
Take a gander at this photo. It’s your everyday newborn baby photo. The sort you see almost every day on social media in the 21st century. Baby posing with midwife…

Like when you see it ?
Posted by Bubs Warehouse International on Wednesday, 20 Sept 2017
Except… What’s that? In the background. Oh, it’s the baby’s stark naked mother still teetering through the final painful process of child birth.
The photo is captioned:
Some people are in such a hurry to put the picture of baby on Facebook. They just forget some things before posting.
It certainly makes for quite the striking image.
However some folks sure had some important comments to make such as: ‘My confusion is why the nurse is busy taking photos with someone else’s kid while mum clearly isn’t finished the birthing process?’. Amen.
Maybe next time the photographer will think to look around before taking photos in a hospital. But hey, it could’ve been much worse.