Here you are, you’ve found yourself clicking on an article to read about a 25-year-old cyst being popped on some guy’s back.
What is wrong with you?
Anyway, while you’re here, you might as well read on. The cyst which had been growing on the back of Bristol man Dave Andrews was popped, and captured in what I can only describe as repulsive footage.
Here it is, you weirdo:
The video, which was taken on June 24 at Dave’s home, shows his daughter Kerry, attacking the cyst with some sort of scalpel.
I’m not sure this is advisable, it doesn’t seem like the best, or most hygenic way, to get rid of a pus-filled lump.
Once the cyst is empty, *is sick in mouth*, Kerry jokes to her father: ‘You’ll need a tummy-tuck now… you’ve got loose skin.’
The popping of the monster spot had to be done at home, says Andrews, due to a change in NHS policy.
She said:
The cyst has been there for a very long time.
He had it drained on NHS 25 years ago, but it has slowly returned and they no longer do it on the NHS as it’s classed as a cosmetic procedure.
In the last few days before we popped it, he said it was getting sore and uncomfortable when he lays down.
I was a bit concerned that I was hurting him but he said just go for it.
If pimple-popping is your thing, which I’m guessing it is if you’re here reading this article, you might be interested to know there’s a game you can buy.
Dr. Pimple Popper, Sandra Lee, has teamed up with Spin Master to release her own game in which players get to blow up pimples.

The board certified dermatologist who specialises in general and cosmetic dermatology in Southern California, has become a global YouTube and social media sensation.
She has nearly two million followers on Instagram, and more than 1.6 million subscribers on YouTube where her videos have been viewed in excess of 750 million times.
Similar to the classic board game Operation, the challenge of Pimple Pete is to extract pimples from Pete’s face without rocking him backward or forward. If you do, the ‘mega-zit’ on his nose explodes spraying the loser with pus water. Nice.
So why do people like watching pimple-popping videos?
Nina Strohminger, a psychologist who wrote a dissertation called ‘The Hedonics of Disgust’, said:
I don’t think there’s anything straightforwardly masochistic about it.
Rather, negative sensations are interesting, particularly when you’re in a context where they can’t hurt you. You’re probably not going to step in dog shit just for the experience, but maybe you’d click on a link to watch someone else doing it.
Disgust fuels many of our most negative judgments. The emotion is unleashed by rotting food and open wounds, traitors and pedophiles. In such cases, disgust sends a powerful signal to avoid the offending stimulus, a physical if not moral contaminant.
Curiously though, disgust is also present in many enjoyable cultural phenomena.
Dirty jokes, modern art, even gross-out television programming, all seem to derive some of their power from their ability to disgust us.
Nah, it’s not for me.
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