A 20-year-old Australian man has shared a devastating and heart-wrenching video showing the potentially permanent effect a bad ecstasy pill has had on him.
Jordy Hurdes, from Wangaratta in rural Victoria, posted the clip to Facebook which shows him stuttering, jerking and spasming as he makes heartfelt plea to people to say no to drugs. In an emotional introduction Jordy he tells us he doesn’t want sympathy, he just wants to make people aware of the damage that drugs can do.
He says:
The party scene’s pretty big these days in Australia and so is ecstasy. It’s a waiting game at the moment to see whether I’ll have a permanent jerking like I have now as you can see and with my stutter I’m not sure whether it will get better any time soon.

After spending days in hospital, doctors can’t believe he is still alive, but Jordy says it’s not just about him – the event has had a massive impact on his family and friends.
He urges people to stay away from cheap thrills:
Just please guys don’t get sucked in, it all seems like fun and games for a cheap $25 pill but it’s not worth it if I have to live like this it’s going to be a struggle for the rest of my life. Be the stronger person and say no to the drugs. Do it for me please guys.

As the video continues, Jordy becomes visibly drained with the exhaustion brought on by his muscle spasms, but before signing off he encourages people to share the post so as many people as possible can see it and since being uploaded his video has had nearly 1.5 million views.
The video really is heartbreaking, so massive respect to Jordy for this act of genuine selflessness, we genuinely hope he gets better and if his post helps to save people from a similar fate, what a hero.