New research has revealed that one specific aspect of your ear lobes could be an important indicator for your risk of suffering a stroke.
Experts say that having diagonal creases – known as ‘Frank’s Sign’ across your lobes can mean you’re at an increased risk of being hit by the life-threatening condition.
Researchers found that over 75 per cent of stroke sufferers had the distinctive mark on their ears – caused by reduced blood supply – which is believed to be a sign of clogged arteries.

The results were published by a team of Israeli researchers in the American Journal of Medicine (AJM), after finding that 78 of 88 patients who had suffered a full-blown stroke had Frank’s Sign.
On top of that, of the 153 patients who had suffered a ‘mini-stroke’, 73 per cent, had the indicator.
Earlier research indicated that the lobe creases are also linked to higher risk of heart attack.

In fact, the crease got its name from doctor Sanders T Frank, who noticed in 1973 that the crease was common among young patients with the heart condition angina.
But not all experts are in agreement.

Dr Yaqoob Bhat, clinical director for stroke medicine at the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in South Wales, told The Daily Mail:
The so-called Frank’s sign in the ear lobes has been recognised as having a possible association with advanced age, but some studies have shown its association with cardiovascular risk factors.
This new study suggests an association with increased risk of stroke, but further studies are needed to assess its importance.
Still, it seems worth being aware of.