A Kim Kardashian mega fan has revealed the painful price they paid while attempting to emulate the world’s most famous backside.
27-year-old Jordan Parke, from Dudley, West Midlands, was so enamoured by Kim’s bodacious buttocks that, in April 2018, he splashed out a cool £8,500 on a bum lift.
Jordan, who runs a business called The Lip King Aesthetics, flew to a clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, for the op, where surgeons could apparently inflate his bottom to much bigger proportions than they would in the UK.
However, after going under the knife, Jordan’s dreams of a shapely backside were dashed when an alarming hole opened up in his right bum cheek, said to be ‘full of puss and flesh’.

Jordan was found to have contracted a dangerous flesh-eating bug, which could well have proven to be fatal.
Jordan said:
The pain was unbearable and despite being told everything was normal at first, I was later diagnosed with necrosis, a flesh eating bug, and was given antibiotics.
I’d chosen to have liposuction on my stomach so I could have the fat transferred into my bum along with the implants. But I could have died as the infection I caught after surgery is life threatening.

Jordan, who has forked out £130,000 on 80 cosmetic procedures, added:
I’m obsessed Kim K and the feminine look. I had my first surgery at just 17 when I had my nose done.
Nearly almost every park of my face has been tweaked but I like to look different. I identify as a gay man but I’ll shop in both the male and female sections.
I’d always hated my bum but I knew no clinics in the UK would give me the 500c implants I wanted and that’s why I went to Turkey.
It was a total disaster the first time around, it took just five days before I realised something was going wrong.
I woke up covered in leaking fluid from my bum and soon after a large hole appeared and I could actually see the implant inside. I’m just so lucky that I had no lasting damage.
Jordan spent two months fighting the serious infection, but could not be deterred from his pursuit of possessing an internet breaking rump.
Following his recovery, Jordan returned to Turkey for another bum lift; this time at a clinic in Izmir where 29-year-old beautician Leah Cambridge died during a bum lift in August 2018.
Jordan, who is pleased with the results this time around, has since stated:
It didn’t put me off having more surgery.
I just ensured I booked with another clinic for my second bum lift this time. I’m a huge fan of Kim Kardashian and her bum and I’ll stop at nothing to ensure mine is as big as hers.
Now I’m back from having my second surgery I couldn’t be happier so far. I had more fat transferred into it so give it a better more perky shape.
Jordan is now content with his bum, but hasn’t ruled out the possibility of further butt lift surgery in the future, driven by his desire for a ‘bum that Kim K is jealous of’.
Going forward, Jordan has cautioned others to consider the risks involved with butt lift surgery before going under the knife.
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Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.