With Donald Trump looking like the definite Republican candidate to stand for presidency in November, a number of policy battles rage on – which will no doubt be debated at length in the run up to the election.
One of them is abortion.
Abortion has been a source of controversial debate since back in the dark days of backstreet and back-alley clinics. And with abortion clinics closing at an alarming rate – and American media talking more frequently against it – it would appear that a woman’s right to do as she pleases with her body is being minimized, while male female double standards are only getting worse.
I have no doubt that both Trump and Clinton will both strongly voice their opinions on the matter of abortion, and of the male female divide when it comes to equality. But somebody who probably doesn’t spring to your mind when you think of abortion has already come up with a solution – sort of…
Enter the controversial comic Sarah Silverman.

According to indy100, when performing a stand-up show in Brooklyn, the comedian came up with a solution to the debate which would certainly end it in seconds.
Here’s what she said:
Here’s something that I learned that is fascinating, and it’s this: Scientists have found that sperms cells smell…sperm cells have the sense of smell, and you know what that means: Sperm is life.
And you know what that means: We’ve gotta legislate that s–t.
Apparently Silverman is technically right, as a recent study proved that sperm cells don’t just magically swim to the egg, but they smell their way to it.

Silverman’s message refers to the fact that in thirteen U.S. states, if a woman wants to have an abortion she must first listen to an ultrasound of the foetus.
The comic is arguing that men too should understand what they are ‘killing’ every time they masturbate.
She concludes:
What we’ll do is — it’s a real simple procedure. We take a really long needle-like basically GoPro camera and we put it down your penis hole, urethra … then down into your testicular sack.. we’re going to show you the ultrasound, so you can see the life in your balls.

Now personally, as a man, that ‘really long needle’ does not sound too idyllic – but it goes without saying that Silverman is highlighting a gargantuan issue of male female equality that desperately need to be talked about.