Drinking Alcohol Helps You Live Longer Finds Major Study


For those of you who enjoy a tipple or two, you may want to crack open the champagne with this latest news.

A study – that lasted for 30 years – conducted by the University of California has found those aged over 65 who enjoy up to three alcoholic drinks a day, will be able to look forward to happy and healthy days ahead.

Perhaps the biggest find from the study though was that moderate to heavy drinkers are said to live up to the age of 85 without suffering from dementia or other cognitive impairments as opposed to those who are tee-total.


More than 1,000 men and women in California were tracked for the university’s study and builds on recent research that has linked old-age to alcohol intake reports the Daily Mail.

Lead Author, Dr Linda McEvoy said:

This study is unique because we considered men and women’s cognitive health at late age and found that alcohol consumption is not only associated with reduced mortality, but with greater chances of remaining cognitively healthy into older age.


The study looked at 728 women and 616 men over the period from 1984 to 2013.

Their cognitive health was looked at every four years over the course of the study, using a standard dementia screening test – the Mini Mental State Examination.

Those who drank ‘moderate to heavy’ amounts of alcohol, five to seven days a week, were doubly likely to be cognitively healthy compared to non-drinkers.


Heavy drinking is defined as drinking up to three alcoholic beverages per day for women and for men aged 65 and older, but for men under the age of 65, it would be four drinks a day.

Drinking more than four drinks a day is classed as excessive.

However researchers did warn that the study doesn’t suggest drinking is responsible for increased longevity and cognitive health.

I knew this was coming…


They make the point that people who drink moderate amounts of wine on a regular basis tend to have higher incomes and better access to health care.

Dr McEvoy warned:

It is important to point out that there were very few individuals in our study who drank to excess, so our study does not show how excessive or binge-type drinking may affect longevity and cognitive health in aging.


Erin Richard, a graduate student, added:

This study shows that moderate drinking may be part of a healthy lifestyle to maintain cognitive fitness in aging.

However, it is not a recommendation for everyone to drink.

Some people have health problems that are made worse by alcohol, and others cannot limit their drinking to only a glass or two per day and for these people, drinking can have negative consequences.


I’m pretty sure you’ll all know this, but as as always guys, if you’re going to drink, drink responsibly please!