WARNING: Contains graphic content

A lot of us have body insecurities, and I’m sure if pushed, could come up with something about our bodies we’d like to change.
Perhaps that’s why one in 26 women in the America gets a boob job.
That’s where Dr. Kourosh Tavakoli comes in. As one of the most prominent cosmetic surgeons in Australia, he has performed over 5000 breast augmentations, and now you can have a front row seat.
The surgeon posts graphic videos and before and after shots of his clients to Snapchat to promote his cosmetic practise, based in Double Bay, Sydney.
Tavakoli also shares candid consultations with nose operation, butt implant and tummy tuck patients.
After receiving complaints about the gruesome content, Dr. Tavakoli has had to limit the number of live surgery footage clips he posts to one per week.
Patients do sign consent forms before Tavakoli snaps them, according to the Daily Mail.
Dr. Tavakoli said:
They might not consent to surgical video, but a lot do consent to being filmed post-operation in consults and things.
I guess because they’re awake and they’re more in control.
Dr Double Bay’s Snapchat and Instagram accounts have bought more business to the surgery from 18 to 28-year-old women who frequent the social platform.
The clever marketing ploy pairs all those constructed and posed Snapchat posts from supposedly perfect celebrities showing off their bodies with the audience’s body insecurities and offers a pricey surgical solution. Genius.
Saying that, Tavakoli is certainly using the footage to inform prospective clients about the invasive surgeries they consider undertaking, which has to be a good – if slightly self-serving – move professionally.

A former emo kid who talks too much about 8Chan meme culture, the Kardashian Klan, and how her smartphone is probably killing her. Francesca is a Cardiff University Journalism Masters grad who has done words for BBC, ELLE, The Debrief, DAZED, an art magazine you’ve never heard of and a feminist zine which never went to print.