This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking


At this point, we should all really be aware of the damage that smoking can do to our bodies.

There’s health warnings slapped on the front of cigarette packets, frequent TV adverts, and NHS campaigns popping up here, there and everywhere.

And while we’re probably all guilty of a cheeky cigarette after a few too many beers, it’s the regular smokers who really need to worry about what they might be doing to their health.

Even so, although there’s plenty of information out there about how smoking hurts you, it’s probably more effective to instead consider the benefits that quitting can have on your body.


Now, this handy infographic tells you exactly what happens to your body in the minutes, hours and days after you stub out that last cigarette. And you might be quite shocked at how quickly your life can change after giving up.

Remarkably, within less than half a day after quitting, you’ll already sleep better and be generally healthier than before.

After just several months, your breathing will have dramatically improved and, a year on, your risk of developing heart disease will have been cut in half!

Creative Commons/Healthbolt

Click here for a larger version of the image.

In full, the timeline after quitting plays out like this:

20 Minutes

Blood pressure and pulse will return to normal and the temperature in your hands and feet will increase.

8 Hours

In the blood, Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels will reduce by half. Oxygen levels increase and return to normal, making you feel more alert, sleep better and be stronger.

48 Hours

Carbon monoxide and Nicotine is eliminated from the body. The lungs begin to clear out mucus and other smoking debris. The nerve endings being to regrow and your sense of smell and taste will return.

3 Months

Lung function and circulation will have significantly improved. Walking and exercise will be easier, and you will cough less.


Between 1 – 9 Months

Sinus congestion and fatigue will have reduced. Breathing will have markedly improved, so you will have nearly no shortness of breath.

1 Year

The risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by 50%.

5-15 Years

The risk of suffering a stroke is reduced to that of a non-smoker.

10 Years

The risk of developing smoking-related cancer is reduced to almost the same as a non-smoker. 60% of cancers are related to both diet and smoking.

15 Years

The risk of developing coronary heart disease or suffering a heart attack is reduced to that of a non-smoker. The risk of death has also reduced to that of a non-smoker.

Seriously, if this doesn’t convince you to quit ASAP, nothing will!