This Is Why Millions Of Men Lose Friends In Their Twenties

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A recent poll carried out by The Movember Foundation on YouGov has revealed millions of men don’t believe they have a close enough friend to discuss serious issues with.

The poll revealed that 12 per cent of men over 18 have no one they turn to in times of need, and that suggests a staggering 2.5 million men across Britain face the same problem.


Nine per cent said they can’t remember when they last spoke to mates, and over a quarter of those polled said speak to friends just once a month.

Based on the accounts six men all aged between 19 and 30, Vice found a wide array of reasons why men felt their friendships had slipped away.

The reasons included moving away from their oldest school friends to new schools, opting to move into the world of work instead of continuing in education, associating mates as drinking buddies instead of confidants, career goals, time pressures, and relationships.

Huffington Post

It is a very serious concern and based on their research the World Health Organisation believes a lack of friends can lead to depression, anxiety and even suicide.


Head of Movember UK, Sarah Coghlan, told Vice:

Many men we’ve spoken to don’t actually realise how shallow their relationships have become until they face a significant challenge, such as bereavement, breakdown of a relationship, fatherhood or loss of employment – and yet that is of course when good friends are needed most.”

So pick up the phone, get your mates together and do whatever it is that makes you all happy. The consequences of falling away from them could be severe.