I may as well start this by saying that I’m not a parent. Or at least, not as far as I know.
What I do know however, is everybody’s parenting skills are different. Although now, there’s a gazillion different blogs about bringing kids up and probably even a YouTube walkthrough to help raise your kid from the ages of 0-18.
Parenting seems like a real struggle. You need to teach your kid morals, keep them fed, keep them healthy, let them learn life lessons, teach them how to walk, teach them about the birds and the bees, about death, about alcohol. Everything.

However while one parent’s technique compared to another’s are radically different, I think one thing we can all agree on is this woman’s methods are questionable.
Enter into the scene Nadia Udin, a mother who weighs her children every morning to monitor puppy fat.
Her reason for the bizarre ritual came after she found out her six-year-old daughter had been bullied for her size. Surely weighing the child to make her aware of her weight isn’t the right way to tackle this? It’s merely going to breed self-consciousness and potentially an eating disorder.
Check out a clip of the interview below:
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Presenter Emma Willis, who has three children of her own, said:
Everyone parents differently but I feel like kids should be kids not concerned with the impact of weight on a scale.
Yet Nadia insisted:
She had an Easter egg but she knew not to have all of it.
She also claimed her daughter probably doesn’t even know she goes on the scales, saying:
If you was to ask her ‘does your mum weigh you in every day’ she’d probably say I don’t know what you’re talking about.

However Deanne Jade, a psychologist who specialises in eating disorders, explained:
As much as I appreciate your desperate attempts to save your daughter from the pain of being teased and bullied, weighing a child every day, and getting obsessed about numbers, we know is associated with later problems.
As you can probably imagine, Twitter reacted pretty strongly to Nadia’s methods:
‘Believes all families should have daily weigh ins.’
Do you have any understanding of how weight works, and how the fluctuations happen? She’s 6 years old, so she’s also going to be growing and gaining..?! If she’s putting on weight, she’s growing!!!! #ThisMorning
— Beck (@NewFoundWings) April 5, 2018
I weigh my 6 year old everyday ? really??? #ThisMorning
This world's gone mad ?— Michéle ?+?=❌ (@mitchfaefife) April 5, 2018
As someone who has suffered from an eating disorder for the last 15 years I’m disgusted a parent would weigh their 6 year old child everyday. Children shouldn’t be exposed to something that can be so damaging. Children should not have to feel like their worth is based on a number
— Charlie Rowland (@CharlieRowlan19) April 5, 2018
I think weighing your 6 year old daughter is not ideal because she will grow up with the mindset that she has to weigh herself everyday and at her age she may get obsessed with numbers. She should just be a kid and not be consumed by body image.#ThisMorning
— Tasha (@tashalouisa96) April 5, 2018
Don’t agree with this women on This Morning, why weigh your 6 year old child?? It may lead to problems later on in life or ED’s and it’s all the mothers fault really #ThisMorning
— aisling (@aislingmurs_) April 5, 2018
wtf is this woman doing on #thismorning weighing her 6 year old daughter every day, no one should weigh themselves everyday such an unhealthy obsession to push on a child ??
— Shannon Richards (@slrichardsxox) April 5, 2018
Cant belive this is even worthy of air time @thismorning "I weigh my 6 year old daughter every day" what a load of old nonsense.
— Simon John (@LoveSimon88) April 5, 2018
I weigh my 6 year old everyday ? really??? #ThisMorning
This world's gone mad ?— Michéle ?+?=❌ (@mitchfaefife) April 5, 2018
Personally, my take on this is – let your child do what they want in those early and free years of their life.
Give them healthy food to eat but don’t weigh them in like a caught shark every morning. Surely it can’t be doing any good?
What’s your take on this?
If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]