Wheelchair-Bound Man Can Walk And Dance Again After Revolutionary New Treatment

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A man in England with multiple sclerosis can now walk and dance again for the first time in a decade thanks to a groundbreaking stem cell transplant.


Roy Palmer had been wheelchair bound for 10 years and had no feelings in his legs.

Inspired by results he’d seen on a TV show, he underwent a procedure known as haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.


Within two days, 49-year-old Palmer had regained the feeling in his legs.


Multiple sclerosis is a progressive, immune-mediated disorder, where the system designed to keep your body healthy mistakenly attacks parts of your body that are vital to everyday function.

The protective coverings of nerve cells are damaged, which leads to diminished function in the brain and spinal cord.

It has unpredictable symptoms that can vary in intensity. While some people experience fatigue and numbness, severe cases of MS can cause paralysis and vision loss.


MS isn’t necessarily hereditary. Still, you have a higher chance of developing the disease if you have a close relative with MS.

The treatment Roy received is still considered to be risky by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, though is has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Insider reports.


The general population only has 0.1 percent chance of developing MS. But the number jumps to 2.5 to 5 percent if you have a sibling or parent with MS.


Heredity isn’t the only factor in determining MS. An identical twin only has a 25 percent chance of developing MS if their twin has the disease. While genetics is certainly a risk factor, it’s not the only one.


Healthline writes:

Doctors use these tests to look for damage to the central nervous system in two separate areas. They must also determine that at least one month has passed between the episodes that caused damage. These tests are also used to rule out other conditions.

MS often astounds doctors because of how much it can vary in both its severity and the ways that it affects people. Attacks can last a few weeks and then disappear. However, relapses can get progressively worse and more unpredictable, and come with different symptoms. Early detection may help prevent MS from progressing quickly.


They add:

MS is a challenging disorder, but researchers have discovered many treatments that can slow its progression.

The best defense against MS is seeing your doctor immediately after you experience the first warning signs. This is especially important if someone in your immediate family has the disorder, as it’s one of the key risk factors for MS.

Don’t hesitate. It could make all the difference.

Let’s hope this is a step in the right direction.


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