If you’ve ever wondered what a tourist trip to North Korea is actually like, you’re in luck.
Serial traveller Jacob Laukaitis is fascinated by the secretive state and has made a short film to show people what life is like inside the nation, reports The Mirror.
With his film, My Daily Life in North Korea, Jacob said he wanted to display what life was like as a visitor in North Korea, however, how accurate the portrayal actually is, is up for debate.
Not only are tourists accompanied by guides at all times – every photo or video has to be sanctioned and passed by officials.
Jacob said:
I’ve always been very interested in North Korea because it seemed to be one of the most unique and mysterious countries in the whole world.
You can never be sure whether things were staged or not in North Korea because you are only shown what they want you to see.
He also explained that, as a tourist, you don’t actually get to choose where you go or what you do – they just tell you to get on a bus and ask you to get off at one point or another.
A photo posted by Jacob Laukaitis (@jacoblaukaitis) on
He continued:
That is why I didn’t want to offer my opinion about whether things were staged or not, whether they were good or not, or honest or not.
My goal was to show you what my day to day life looked like when I was there and let you make up your own mind and judge for yourself.
Although activities were restricted during his visit, Jacob managed to take part in the Pyongyang marathon, to go to the top of the Juchu Tower – the tallest stone tower in the world – and to visit the demilitarised zone between North and South Korea.
A photo posted by Jacob Laukaitis (@jacoblaukaitis) on
However, he says the most interesting day of his trip was the last one.
The day is a national holiday in North Korea and Jacob saw thousands pay their respects to massive statues of the county’s founding father – as well as dancing in a park.
A photo posted by Jacob Laukaitis (@jacoblaukaitis) on
And it sounds like his trip certainly made an impression. Along with an Instagram post, Jacob wrote:
Finally came back from North Korea, safe and sound. Those 7 days were life-changing in many ways and I’m very happy I visited this truly unique country.
What an experience!