Trump and Kanye. Just their very names bring the word ‘controversial’ straight to mind.
They’re like marmite personified. You either love them or hate them – but either way, it’s hard to argue that what they just got sent isn’t pretty damn mind-blowing.
As part of a very elaborate April Fools prank, Kanye and Trump got sent over 6,000 bags of gummy dick sweets. 6000 bags!
And as if that wasn’t astounding enough, that equals about a million dicks in total, and three million calories of penis.

Apparently, 15,000 people took part in a contest on shipabagofdicks.com – a specialist company in the niche world of making gummy sweets look like blue veined sausages.
The competition allowed people to send a dick to a celebrity every time they bought one for themselves.
And naturally the website seemed incredibly pleased with the results, posting on its blog: ‘Let that sink in…A MILLION F*CKING D&*KS. 300 calories in each bag = 3,000,000 CALORIES OF D&*K’.

According to their own website, shipabagofdicks let people ‘anonymously ship a bag of dicks to friends or enemies’ for the purpose of letting them ‘tell that special someone in your life to eat a bag of dicks’.
Seems like Trump and Kanye have got one helluva lot of dick to eat.