Usain Bolt Has Made History By Winning Three Golds In Three Olympics

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The Flash had best watch out there’s a new fastest man alive, Usain Bolt, and he’s just set another incredible record. 


Bolt has won an unprecedented three gold medals at the last three Olympic games, nine in total, after taking his third gold at the Rio games last night, The Mirror reports.


The Jamaican super athlete had already claimed the top spot in both the 100m and 200m race but last night with the help of his team mates Asafa Powell, Yohan Blake and Nickel Ashmeade, Bolt managed to win the 4x100m relay.


The world’s fastest man took the baton from Nickel Ashmeade and exploded away from second-placed Japan to huge cheers, and thrust the baton up in the air as he crossed the finished line.

His jubilant teammates were there waiting for him and the Jamaican team embraced before going on a lap of honour, draped in their country’s flag, and Bolt blew kisses as he ran.


It’s an incredible achievement but one tinged with sadness because as fast as he is even Bolt can’t outrun time, as he admitted after his 200m success on Thursday night where he said that his legs refused to go any faster and felt tired.


Despite this he remains an unparalleled athlete and, although this was his slowest Olympic relay race to date, he still smashed records setting the fourth fastest time in history.


Bolt’s victory wasn’t the only big win of the night, Japan claimed a shock silver medal and the U.S. came in third but were later disqualified for an ‘illegal change’.