Australia’s New Bank Note Looks Like Something From Science Fiction

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Stop the presses Australia’s getting some new bank notes and they look like something from an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick novel. 

For the ten of you who got that reference and didn’t immediately click off the story, thank you. Your reward is more information about the bank notes, which are waterproof, and  apparently untearable, the BBC reports.


These brand spanking new notes knock the socks off our dull cotton based notes, or they would if bank notes could wear socks they can’t because little known fact banknotes don’t actually have feet.

The note itself - Reserve Bank of Australia

The new notes also have ‘tactile features’ to make it easier for blind or low vision people to work out what note they’re holding , and according to The Metro,  have ‘loads of interesting holograms’ on them.

Desperate for more information on Australia’s bank notes and too lazy to read the Wikipedia page I spoke to the person sat opposite me who spent two years in the land of Oz, Jennifer Browne.


Speaking about Australian money Jen said:

It’s awesome compared to your [British] money.

Never let it be said that we here at UNILAD don’t go the extra mile to deliver top notch quality journalism about bank notes.


Meanwhile here in the UK the Bank of England have begun to introduce plastic notes presumably to placate Jen.