Hiker takes picture from bluff above mountains
How many of us sit behind our desks fantasising about ditching the 9-5 job in favour of something a little more exciting, a little more meaningful?
Well these guys just up and did it, with the added bonus that their bank balances didn’t even take a hit. With technology making it easier than ever to make money from anywhere on the planet, these guys have taken full advantage of this fact by building location-independent businesses that are making them fortunes, all while living out of a backpack.
The Serial Entrepreneur, Johnny Ward, Annual Income: $1 Million
Johnny, often referred to as the ‘nomadic millionaire’ has been to 177 of the world’s 193 countries yet in the past three years he has earned over a million dollars – all from his laptop.
After being inspired by a travel blogger the 31-year-old economics graduate turned tech entrepreneur booked himself a one-way ticket to Zimbabwe and spent a year documenting his travels around Africa before heading back to Thailand with hopes of developing his online business.
According to Yahoo Travel Johnny worked hard to increase his income and then set himself the challenge of visiting 100 countries by the time he turned 30 – a goal he achieved when he made it to the Maldives earlier this year.
The Pro Poker Player, Faraz Jaka, Annual Income: $1 Million
The 30-year-old professional poker player, originally from San Jose, California has spent the past five years travelling the globe playing in international tournaments – netting him close to $10 million (£6 million) in winnings.
However, Faraz is also a shrewd businessman – he has built himself a property portfolio with his winnings, the money from which he uses to pay his travel and living expenses Yet, unbelievably, he refers to himself as homeless, and lives out of a carry-on suitcase.
He told Yahoo Travel:
I decided to get rid of my home and just explore in between poker tour events and just go see the world and find a way to be productive earning an income on the road.
The Travel Blogger, Kiersten Rich, Annual Income: $100,000 +
After moving in with a well-travelled Australian couple several years ago, the 27-year-old decided to take some time off from her career in corporate finance to explore the world. She set off for Australia and then headed to Thailand, where she backpacked solo around Southeast Asia for three months.
Whilst on her travels, Kiersten kept a daily blog of her experiences and after realising she loved the both storytelling and travelling, started to explore the idea of running it as a business.
In 2011 she took the decision to quit her job and spent a year taking freelance and temporary jobs while building her site, the Blonde Abroad. In 2012 she started traveling and blogging full-time and four years on she has a six-member team, is on the road nine months a year and makes an annual revenue in the multiple six figures.
The Nomad Capitalist, Andrew Henderson, Annual Income: $1 Million
After launching and then selling a multimillion-dollar broadcasting business by the age of 19 Andrew decided to pack his bags and experience the world in the hope of finding other countries in which he could invest in business.
However, he was well and truly bitten by the travelling bug and is now “devoted to finding those opportunities, finding the most freedom, finding the best places to put money and start a business,” he told Eventual Millionaire.
In the hope of helping others to follow his path, he launched Nomad Capitalist, a Web-based business that advises people how to live a financially and geographically free life. His new business sees Andrew travel to at least 15 to 20 countries each year.
The Adventure Photographer, Matthew Karsten, Annual Income: $100,000 +
In 2010, Matthew Karsten quit his job as a nightlife photographer, dumped his girlfriend, sold everything he owned, and bought a one-way ticket to Guatemala. “Becoming wealthy with new experiences was my mission,” says Matthew.
Five years on and not only is Matthew still travelling but he has turned his adventure into a highly profitable business. Through his blog, the Expert Vagabond, he now generates a six-figure income.
According to his website Matthew says:
Long-term travel provides me with unexpected challenges to conquer while I continue to learn about the world, meet interesting people, and have life-changing experiences along the way. I love what I do, and will continue to learn new skills and work towards making this travel lifestyle sustainable, or at least until I no longer enjoy it.