British And Irish Men Respond To Claim They’re Ugliest Guys In The World

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According to a dating site that only lets ‘attractive’ people sign up, English and Irish men are some of the most unattractive in the world.

The controversial dating site, called, has to ‘approve’ people’s applications to join the site, and it seems not many British and Irish men make the cut.

Figures released by the Los Angeles-based website said only 9% of British male applicants were successful, while a measly 6% of Irish men were accepted. Ouch. Meanwhile, the most successful male applicants were Swedish, with 60% of them being accepted to the site.

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To address this blatant imbalance – have they never heard of Cillian Murphy or Michael Fassbender?! – we asked some British and Irish guys what they thought, and here’s what they had to say.

One person who thought the ranking was a bit harsh was Robbie from Armagh, Northern Ireland, who argued it’s not Irish people’s fault their skin is basically ‘translucent’.


Robbie told UNILAD:

I completely disagree [with the website’s statistics] because, despite the fact that Irish people only see the sun for three hours every year and our skin is normally translucent, I would argue that Irish lads have much better banter. That has to count for something.

Another guy who agreed with Robbie on England and Ireland’s lack of sunshine (potentially) being the problem was Ryan from Blackpool.

Ryan said:

It might sound a bit daft but I think our terrible weather plays a big part in us ranking so badly. In warmer countries, lads are more likely to want to get their kit off and want to look good by going to the gym and stuff. Here in the UK, we don’t get much nice weather so there’s not the same incentive.

Thomas from Belfast threw his two pence in too, telling UNILAD

Well I might not have the looks but at least [we] have charm, personalities and [the] sexiest accents in the world. What have the Swedish got besides the most attractiveness?


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Someone who could understood British men’s low ranking was Theo, from Manchester, who suggested it could be down to British people’s teeth.


Theo said:

First impressions are important in the online dating world. We are programmed to swipe or like based on a first impression, and even though cosmetic work on teeth is becoming a lot more popular in the UK, it’s still a long way off how readily available it is in the US. I think the world still has this image of UK guys having bad teeth but we’re getting there!

While Connor, from Essex, raised a good point that the British have birthed many attractive men, including several Davids.

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Connor told UNILAD:

David Gandy. David Beckham. David Bowie. What do all these men have in common you may ask? (Besides from the fact they’re obviously all called David, and look popping in a pair of skinny jeans) – they’re widely regarded as beautiful looking men across the board.

So what does this prove? That maybe a few dozen tech people in Los Angeles don’t want to shine a light on our good looking lads in the UK. They haven’t given credit where its due.

On the other hand, the controversial dating site was more favourable for Irish women than it was men, accepting a generous 35% of its female Irish applicants. British women however only had a 15% success rate.

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Norwegian women were dubbed the most attractive, with a whopping 71% of them being accepted, while German women were least successful with a 13% acceptance rate. They’ve obviously never laid eyes on Claudia Schiffer then.


Contrary to’s findings, Robert Pattinson was recently said to be the most attractive man in the world – and he’s a proud Brit.

I’d personally believe science over one dating website’s statistics, so you should probably take the whole thing with a pinch of salt – I mean, have you seen British actor Henry Cavill? His face looks like it’s been carved by angels, in my opinion anyway.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via