Brits have hit back hard after an American teenager decided to pick a fight with the whole of Britain in a bizarre Twitter rant earlier this week.
In a stream of ridiculous tweets, 16-year-old Madi, questioned everything about us from our pale complexions to our spelling – seriously, our spelling? – to our beloved scones.
Her account was quickly made private, but fortunately we managed get a few screen grabs of her questionable observations, and here are a couple of ‘the best’…
But don’t worry, the Brits of Twitter didn’t take this abuse of our fine culture lying down.
And because nobody mocks us – especially a sixteen-year-old scone shamer – Brits have now responded with the #WeirdThingsAmericansDo hashtag:
*looks slowly over at Trump*
#WeirdThingsAmericansDo— ❄ chiller ★ ❄ ?? (@chiller) March 31, 2016
Can own a gun, drive a car at 16, vote and smoke at 18 but can't have a beer until 21 #weirdthingsamericansdo
— ?Natalie ? (@NatalieJ74) March 31, 2016
Play rugby with all that padding and call it football. A game that is an hour long but takes over 3 hours to play. #weirdthingsamericansdo
— GIssa (@Gissa64) March 31, 2016
Call your backside a "fanny" wrong way round douchebag! #weirdthingsamericansdo
— Sir Alan Fitz Walter (@AlanFitzWalter) March 31, 2016
Although, I do have to hand it to them – douchebag is an awesome insult.
#weirdthingsamericansdo call the annual North American baseball championship the World Series. So USA and Canada is the world then…
— Gerry (@gezza_rugby) March 31, 2016
Such an amazingly good point.
Ban Kinder eggs because of 'child safety' but allow 16 year olds to own a gun? #weirdthingsamericansdo
— Lauren Norgrove (@Norgrove01) March 31, 2016
@touradidas British pale? clearly you have never been to Essex! #WeirdThingsAmericansDo
— Weird America (@weirdstuffusa) March 29, 2016
#WeirdThingsAmericanPeopleDo Vote for Donald Trump
— JESSICA DIMPLES ? (@EastLondonBaby) March 29, 2016
It’s probably best we don’t jump on them too fast for that one, with Boris Johnson lurking in the shadows…