Brits Will Pretend To Go To Work Or Use A Fake Name To Get Away From A Partner In The Morning

Girl leaving in the morning while guy sleepsGetty

Have you ever woken up in another bed with a complete stranger and thought ‘oh no, not again’? Or have you woken up next to someone you shouldn’t have and felt the instant pangs of regret and shame?


If your answer is ‘no’ congratulations, at least you’ve got some morals. There are some people out there who will do anything to avoid any more contact with a partner the morning after they’ve slept with each other, and while I don’t want to be too judgemental (because I’d be a hypocrite if did) the elaborate excuses folk come up with are astounding.

According to a new study, people in Britain will say absolutely ANYTHING to avoid their partners in the morning, whether they’re in a relationship or a one night stand.

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Popular excuses used by Brits include pretending to have an early work meeting, using a fake name and ‘acting weird’ as a means to get away from a partner the morning after sex. A poll of 2000 17-to-35-year-olds revealed the underhanded, and rather questionable, techniques used to escape after sleeping with someone.

When it comes to the matter of getting a date to leave your home diversionary tactics such as offering to book them a taxi, walking them to the bus stop, and starting to vacuum crop up. The study also found most people expect a cup of tea, followed by a lie-in, as good post-coitus behaviour.

43 per cent of those who took part in the poll says giving your partner a kiss on the cheek as proper ‘morning after etiquette’, while most settle for a text or a message on WhatsApp.

ellaOne, the most effective morning-after pill, who commissioned the study, has launched the ‘Morning After Manners’ campaign, hoping to ignite a frank and informative discussion about sex, dating and contraception. This includes the proper etiquette/behaviour to have in the event a contraceptive fails.

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A spokesperson for ellaOne said:

We are really excited to launch the new ‘Morning After Manners’ campaign to help ignite and normalize conversations about emergency contraception.

We want to encourage men and women to make the topic of emergency contraception both parties’ responsibility.

By inspiring individuals to be more open about this topic, we can break the stigma about seeking emergency contraception after unprotected sex.

We are dedicated to making individuals aware of the contraceptive options available to them, so they are able to make informed choices.


The study goes onto find that while emergency contraception was viewed as the responsibility of a female, today’s attitudes have changed with seven in ten agreeing the responsibility should be shared between a man and a woman. Furthermore, almost half of the men in the study said they would go with a partner after a first date to get emergency contraception if required. Also, nearly three-quarters of young people said they have brought up the subject of contraception with new partners.

But it seems trust issues between partners remains an issue as only a third said they would believe their partner if they were on the pill. A fifth of guys admitted to asking to see the pill as proof, while another one in ten would snoop through a woman’s drawers looking for evidence. Because that’s not creepy at all, is it?


What’s more concerning is if unprotected sex or contraceptive failure occurred after sex, 18 per cent wouldn’t know where and how to access emergency contraception. While almost a fifth of men would rather skip on the option of sex for a month, rather than discuss emergency contraception.

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Dr Dawn Harper claimed:

I’m shocked to hear so many men would give up sex for a month rather than have a conversation about emergency contraception and that women are fearful of talking to GPs and pharmacists about the topic.

I am glad to see a campaign that aims to help normalise these conversations, as unprotected sex or contraceptive failure could happen to anyone.

It’s nothing to be ashamed about and is something we all need to be more clued up on

It also surfaced a stigma remains attached to collecting the morning after pill, with a third of females feeling embarrassed to ask for it.

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