Coffee Drinkers Have Stronger Bones Than Those Who Don’t, Study Claims

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If you’re anything like me, in that the sheer prospect of attempting to leave the house without an industrial-sized mug of coffee sends shudders down your spine: congratulations.

Why? Because, us coffee lovers are not only completely caffeine-dependent, but we also have stronger bones – according to new research.


A study, conducted by researchers from the University of Hong Kong, assessed 564 Chinese adults who had enrolled in an osteoporosis study, by comparing the bone mineral density of those who said they drank coffee regularly, against those who said they didn’t.


The observations revealed that those who frequently drank coffee had significantly higher bone mineral density, which is a good marker of strong bones.

They looked specifically into three different molecules, which are associated with both coffee consumption and strong bones that are less likely to fracture.

Despite the study being relatively small, experts not involved in the research said the evidence is robust enough to come to the conclusion that coffee consumption does lead to stronger bones.


In a press release, Cleveland Clinic’s Dr Chad Deal, said:

For all those folks who drink lots of coffee and are concerned about the health effects of coffee, this is good news.

It appears to show that coffee is, in general, probably good for bone health.

Next time someone tries to criticise your coffee-dependency, you might want to ask them if they’ve ever broken any bones…


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