Cop Does Something Amazing For Struggling Dad After Pulling Him Over

By :
Westland Police Department

It seems like the good policemen and women of America are often overshadowed by those who commit horrific acts in uniform. Fortunately Joshua Scaglione is one of the good guys. 


Scaglione made headlines this week after he committed a random act of utmost kindness.


According to ABC, a 28-year-old man called LaVonte Dell, from Michigan, was driving around Westland last Monday – but before long he noticed police lights pursuing him from behind.


LaVonte’s car had tinted windows and his 3-year-old daughter was not seated properly in a car seat, so naturally he was expecting a very big fine.

Although after hearing of how LaVonte had fallen on hard times, Scaglione had other things in mind.

We’ll let LaVonte tell the rest of the story through his Facebook post which has since gone viral:

Yesterday I was pulled over in Westland for my window tint. This stop was nothin like I thought it would be.

He got my s—t and was walking back to the car and seen my daughter wasn’t in a car seat.

So he asked me to get out and speak with him. He asked why didn’t she have one and I told him all I been thru this year like I barely making it because of these garnishments and I really don’t like asking people for (stuff).

Do you know this white police officer told me to follow him to Walmart on Ford road and he purchased my daughter a car seat with his own money.

If you would have seen us in Walmart u would have thought we were best friends.

I told him I never met a officer like u. He said I’m just doing my job what good would giving u a ticket do besides putting u further in the hole making it harder on you to come up.


Unfortunately LaVonte couldn’t catch Scaglione’s name, but through the viral post Scaglione later got in touch, saying: ‘You know a ticket doesn’t help all the time’.


What a guy…