Donald Trump Said He’d Change His Hairstyle If He Became President

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Admittedly Donald Trump’s hairstyle is one of the less concerning aspects of his imminent presidency, but his infamous do may be about to change.


Back in June 2015, Trump said he would go to some pretty extreme lengths if he was elected, reports the Daily Mail.


And no, we’re not talking walls or mass deportation or chucking opponents in prison – the now President-elect said he would go as far as to change his famous hairstyle.


At a dinner in Iowa he told those in attendance that his voluminous coif would be no more if he took up residence in the White House.

And why, why would you ruin such a wondrous do? His, strangely reasonable, explanation is that it takes him too long to manage it.

According to the Des Moines Register, Trump said:

I would probably comb my hair back because this thing is too hard to comb. I wouldn’t have time, because if I were in the White House, I’d be working my ass off.


In his defence, among the racism, anti-gay marriage stance, pussy grabbing antics and swinging wildly between views, Trump’s comb over has always been perfectly maintained.


Except for that one time in Scotland back in 2014:

There’s always a chance that the secret to his power lies in his hairstyle, so if he goes through on his pledge, maybe he’ll turn to stone or cabbage.


It probably wouldn’t be the most bizarre thing to happen this year…
