Drunk Girl Messages Customer Service Guy And Strikes Up Bizarre Friendship


A fashion-forward girl just got more than she paid for when she struck up a rather bizarre conversation with a Boohoo employee.

When Lucy D’Agostino contacted the fashion brand’s team via Twitter’s direct messaging platform, she got a little more than the usual polite professionalism.

On the other end, an employee named Abul took Lucy’s messages beyond the boundaries of customer service, repeatedly signing his responses ‘Abul x’.

customer service messages twitterTwitter

Lucy contacted the service when she was drunk. She confided in Abul about her sore feet and hunger pangs, on what must have been a particularly slow night on the town.

Pornstar Martini???

A post shared by L U C Y D ' A G O S T I N O (@lucydagostino_) on

Abul managed to appease her disillusionment and the pair quickly bonded, with Lucy dubbing Abul ‘the best’.

Boohoo’s own answer to call centre Casanovas complimented Lucy on her taste in greasy fast food and told her to ‘get home safe and rest them feet of yours’.

Willy straws ??? Add me on snapchat: lucy1237474900

A post shared by L U C Y D ' A G O S T I N O (@lucydagostino_) on

Lucy decided to tweet the conversation the following morning, when she woke with a presumably grim hangover and unrelenting sense of embarrassment.

Maybe the blogger was trying to reach out to her newfound friend… Or maybe, just maybe, it was all a ploy to go viral and promote herself online.

Meanwhile, Twitter messages should be applauded for igniting bizarre friendship in the wee hours.

Although booze can do terrible things to your mind, it’s next level sad when you have to rely on customer service for a chat.

I thought the idea of leaving the comfort of your home in the evening was to meet people and interact with other humans.

If that fails, at least we all have virtual relationships to fall back on, just like Lucy.