‘Embarrassed’ Lifeguard Forced To Explain Himself After Going Viral With £1000 Bottle Of Vodka

By :
Kennedy News and Media

Imagine you’ve just woken up with the hangover from hell when all of a sudden you get the dreaded Facebook notification informing you you’ve been tagged in a photo.

You don’t even remember any photos being taken – much less remember what kind of state you were in when said picture was snapped – so the panic is real.

Then imagine you log in and realise the picture isn’t even one taken by your mates, which can easily be untagged and forgotten. Nope, it’s been posted directly to the nightclub’s page – and you’re quickly going viral.


That was the nightmare one guy faced recently when he went viral for being photographed standing next to someone who had reportedly just spent a massive £1,000 on a giant bottle of vodka.


Mufaro Ndovorwi, 21, didn’t even know the big spender he was standing next to – but that didn’t stop him from fast becoming the star of the picture, and in a big way.

The hilarious image, which was taken at The Astoria in Portsmouth, Hampshire, shows the unknown man holding out a six-litre bottle of Belvedere vodka next to his pal with his fist raised.

Mufaro can be seen awkwardly standing next to the pair after his other mates jumped out of shot when they spotted the oversized bottle of booze.

Kennedy News and Media

The venue posted the picture alongside the caption: ‘How much for that big bottle behind the bar?… £1,000… ‘yeah, I’ll take it’. #BigSpenders #£1kOnAschoolNight!’

Quickly going viral, the post attracted more than 1,000 comments, likes, and shares – with many using Mufaro’s face alongside captions such as, ‘just realised what he’s done,’ and ‘when the loan repayments kick in’.

The 21-year-old looks wide-eyed and baffled to be caught in the picture on April 9 and has since been forced to explain himself.

He hilariously quipped:

Ffs I was only there for the free drinks.

Kennedy News and Media

Insisting he doesn’t know the pair with the vodka, Mufaro claims he ‘didn’t know what was going on’ when the picture was taken.


Mufaro, from Hayling, Portsmouth, described what happened:

The guy in the white top came up to me, I’d never met him before. He just popped out of nowhere and said ‘would you guys be interested in coming up to the booth and getting some free drinks?’ and we thought ‘why not?’

We were drinking with him for about ten minutes before having the photo taken. I only really noticed the big bottle when he picked it up for that picture.

There were two pictures taken – one I posed for but no-one grabbed the vodka bottle. I was caught off guard in the second picture when I saw him pick up the bottle. I was like ‘oh wow’. It’s not something you see everyday, especially on a Tuesday night.

Kennedy News and Media

Saying he was ‘all over people’s Snapchats,’ Mufaro added it was ‘good to set the record straight’ once and for all. He now says he’s ‘learnt his lesson’ and will never get involved in a club picture


The man holding the bottle of vodka declined to comment and denied buying it, claiming it was purchased by a friend.

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