You can always rely on old people to misunderstand something in the most hilarious way possible.
It must be daunting trying to adapt to technology that was simply unimaginable when you were a child and buzzfeed have kindly put together a selection of some of the times old people were the best thing on the internet in 2015.
Little do they know it but these guys became sensations this year, brightening peoples days across the world as they ploughed head-first into the social media jungle and fumbled, grumbled and over-shared their way through the unfamiliar world of the internet.
We can only thank you for your contributions guys.
1.The lost grandson of Walmart

2.When Grandma got an iPhone

3.When this guy took down the Illuminati

4. Unfortunate use of an emoji

5. Brihanna vs Quaker Chewy Granola Bars

6. Mamaw’s sad day shared with Walmart

7. Such a simple request.

8. Grandma’s wise advice.

9. Youtube for sale?

10. How do I take this down?

11. Earl and Kmart

12. Congratulations!

13. Geraldine’s anti-bullying stance

14. The life and times of Gichael

15. Beef with Wendy’s