Over 1,200 people have been killed following the horrific floods which have hit India, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Millions have been left homeless in what’s said to be the worst flooding disaster in the region for years.
According to aid agencies, people have been deprived of food and clean water for days, with thousands of villages being cut off by the flooding.

The region of South Asia is subjected to frequent flooding during monsoon season – which usually starts in June and finishes in September – but according to The Independent, authorities say this year’s have been much worse.
In Mumbai, authorities have struggled to evacuate people – transport links were paralysed and downpours led to water rising by up to five feet in some parts.
Over the next 24 hours heavy rains have been forecast, and weather officials are urging people to stay inside.

In Bangladesh at least 134 people have died with more than 600,000 hectares of farmland being partially damaged and over 10,000 hectares have been completely washed away.
Bangladesh’s economy is said to be dependent on farming – the country also lost around a million tonnes of rice in flash floods back in April.
Matthew Marek, head of disaster response in Bangladesh for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent said:
Farmers are left with nothing, not even with clean drinking water.

90,000 homes have been destroyed and 150 people have been killed in Nepal.
The rise in extreme weather, like floods, has been identified by climate scientists as the hallmark of man-made climate change.
Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister, said climate change and new weather patterns are having ‘a big negative impact’.

Our thoughts are with those affected by the floods in South Asia.