Shocking footage has surfaced online of a four-year-old boy driving an SUV on a busy highway in Russia.
The young boy, who is clearly visible in the footage sat behind the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz SUV, drives at speeds up to 60mph, on a motorway in Moscow.
In the horrifying clip, the unidentified little boy can be seen swerving across fast-flowing traffic.

At one point, the child speeds past a truck and a huge tanker lorry, before he then tries to over take, despite the lane not being clear of vehicles.
The video was posted onto social media site Instagram, by user, @majorka_official – an account which has a following of over 100,000 followers.
The public account is full of pictures and videos of high-end cars and similar style videos of drives on busy stretches of motorways.

In the footage, the child sits on the knee of a glamorous woman called Ariana, who is apparently the child’s aunt, report the Daily Mail.
At various moments she can be seen grabbing hold of the steering wheel, with one hand, in others, the child is left to control the vehicle on his own, despite being on a crowded ring road.
The boy’s 27-year-old father is believed to be filming the law-breaking incident from the rear seat of the Gelandewagen, as he’s heard boasting:
Look, bro, driving a Gelandewagen.
Check out the footage below:
[ooyala player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8″ auto=”true” width=”640″ height=”800″ pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l” code=”ZuMmpoZDE6nyx0AZ0gRZiO7RQTkOnxf3″]
As you can imagine, the pair have come into criticsm for their dangerous and idiotic act, particularly from media outlets in Moscow.
The child’s aunt responded to say how such antics were perfectly normal and something ‘everyone did’:
I do not see anything bad. Everyone did this on their parent’s laps in their childhood.
However, many have disagreed, one critic wrote:
No brains. God forbid they crashed and killed the child. How would they sleep then?
While another said:
Something wrong with their brains… I feel sorry for the child.
Another outraged individual commented:
If someone crashed into you, the child will fly out through the windscreen on to the road – is this really worth it?

Today it has been announced Moscow’s road police have launched an investigation into the incident.
Back in August a Russian woman who made her name performing stunts on motorbikes, before posting the pictures to Instagram, died in a crash.
40-year-old Russian Olga Pronina was killed when her BMW S1000RR motorbike left the road and hit a fence, smashing into two pieces.

Ms Pronina had more than 160,000 followers online and regularly posted videos of herself riding her bike at high speeds while she performed daring stunts.
Olga spoke about her bike with great fondness, according to the Mirror, previously writing:
I love it because it forgives me my foolishness, for saving my sorry ass, thank you for never failing me, for making my lonely nights better, for helping me to forget troubles of my life, for training my body and my brain.
I am grateful to it for the sparkles in my eyes, for the warm wind blowing on my cheeks when my visor is open, for unbelievable excitement and a feeling of flowing in the air, for doses of adrenaline.
Thank you for gifting me freedom… and I know that I am not alone. There are thousands like me, those madly in love with their metal horses.

It is not known whether Olga was filming a video at the time of the crash.
She’s believed to have been survived by her 16-year-old daughter.